Thursday, October 24, 2013

Marathon training, in numbers

As you may have already heard, I'm running the Marine Corps Marathon this weekend.

I'm a little nervous about the whole thing. It's my second marathon, and I actually have a time goal. If I don't run this thing in two-and-a-half hours I'm quitting running forever.

Just kidding. My only goals are to finish and to not poop my pants. I'm setting the bar high. Anyway, I thought I'd reflect on the past four months of marathon training with a few numbers:

407: miles I've run since July 1

39,400: number of calories burned from running since July 1

2: number of times I treated myself to a Carl's Jr. Super Star with Cheese

930: number of calories in a Carl's Jr. Super Star with Cheese

0: number of regrets about either of those ridiculously delicious sandwiches

0: number of miles in the rain

20: number of miles in hot Santa Ana winds

Billions: times I fantasized about cold Coke Classic during a long run

3: number of bottles of Coke Classic I drank during the course of my training

2,600: approximate number of miles from my apartment in Southern California to the race in Washington, D.C.

26.2: miles in a marathon; or approximately one percent of the distance I'll need to travel to the race itself

3-4: number of times someone has asked me how many miles are in my marathon

2: number of pairs of running shoes I've owned since July 1

0: number of toenails I've lost (I'm happy to say I've never lost a toenail in my entire life. I think I'd really wig out if it ever happened.)

Infinite: the amount of happiness I will feel when I actually finish this thing

And, at last:

24972: my bib number. Follow me this Sunday at the #38thMCM!

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